Some Past Events of 2018 & 2019

The 2018 & 2019 Rappahannock River Waterfowl Showswere held at the new Whitestone Firehouse. The event is a very unique art festival showcasing wildfowl art. The high quality art show offered original paintings, prints, carvings of life-size and miniature birds of all kinds, decoys for display or hunting, antique decoys, exquisite bronze sculptures, photography, taxidermy, and handcrafted jewelry.

Members of the VAWFA offered children opportunities to paint a duck decoy to take home or use afield.

2019 Natural Resources Weekend

2018 & 2019

Virginia Outdoor Sportsman Shows

The partnership event provided courses for beginning and experienced waterfowlers.

The Wing Shooting Skills class was a live fire course.  Most participants used their own shotguns. However  firearms were available and ammo provided.

 The Decoy Placement class provided both duck and goose spreads for different conditions.  This hands on course offered a variety of spreads on land and water.

The Waterfowl Regulations and Identification class was taught by a DGIF Conservation Police Officer. The course  covered waterfowl id on the wing, laws/regulations, safety and ethics specific to waterfowl hunting.

Special Thanks to the  VAWFA Members whom volunteered at the fishing event
